Wuhan Grat Control Valve Co., Ltd. nukiz@grat.com.cn 86-027-6070-6977
Thailand, strategically located in Southeast Asia, is a nation rich in oil and gas resources, with a history dating back to the mid-19th century as a producer. The country's natural gas reserves are estimated at 54.65 billion cubic meters, and oil reserves at 164 million tons, playing a pivotal role in its economic growth and reducing dependence on imported refined oil products.
In this context, the Thai oil and gas industry demands robust valve technology to ensure efficient extraction, processing, and transportation of hydrocarbons, with a focus on safety, reliability, and environmental sustainability. Valves play an essential role in Thailand's oil and gas industry, particularly when it comes to tackling the corrosiveness of oil wells, the high pressures of deep-sea drilling, and the extreme temperature conditions encountered.